Elaine Recruitment is based on a Christian faith which is focused on our passion for people. We deliver a pathway2employment model with the aim to assist and support those who society often place furthest from the labour market back into the world of employment. We believe that everyone has potential, we accept all varieties of clients but specialise in the over 25s. We want to help them train for sustainable careers which would be an asset to the country and communities as well as themselves. Finally, but just as important, there are over seven million carers in the UK. We offer them an avenue to fulfil their potential and add to the resources of the nation.
We want to be able to host a Pathway2Employment that will inspire and empower those that we successfully navigate using our efficient process and procedures. The CEO and founder wants to introduce this business to increase employment across these priority groups within Kent areas and some London boroughs to help enrich the resources in these areas and to support economic recovery following the impact of COVID-19.